The Wildflower Chronicles
It’s time to rewild your story.
The Breakthrough happens when you Bloom.
In this journey, you'll pass through 8 portals to reconnect with your raw essence. As you meet and complete each portal you'll rewild yourself and tell a new story, one layer at a time.
Each chapter unfolds a tale of vibrant empowerment.
Rather than dancing to another's tune, you embrace the art of composing your own symphony.
And as your petals unfurl you weave a masterpiece of authenticity and self-expression, reclaiming your essence through the rhythms of rewilding.
You glow, you relax, you breathe.
Each chapter contains a video a printable chapter and mood board. Other bonuses and additional resources are sprinkled throughout.
“I’m trying to describe why I’m drawn to Wildflower Chronicles. It’s almost like you’ve woven a story, a guided narrative-experience with specific signposts, but we get to insert ourselves as the “character” of the story… It’s immersive, catalytic...we are the main characters individually participating in this collective story together. It connects me with my inner high priestess, my inner shaman, my inner divine feminine. This program is a self-paced journey of metaphorical + spiritual becoming.”
The Wildflower Chronicles
It’s time to rewild your story.
Let’s build a chronicle of your wild self, your essence and your divine spark.
Every once in a blue moon… the stars shift like nothing else, they rumble and call something deep within you.
This is one of those times - right now, in the middle of 2024.
May this journey serve as the great reset your soul needed to bloom like never before.
Over the course of 8 portals, I’ll share inspiration, prompts, practical tips and mini challenges to help you shift and unfurl.
You can expect a joyful exploration that lingers with you as you walk about your life and make different choices.
Our goal: reveal and reclaim the layers of who you desire to be.
You will walk upon this Earth in full bloom. Not hidden or dulled down.
This is your story, it doesn’t belong to anyone else.
It’s an honor to walk and bloom with you.
The Chapters in Your Chronicle:
Chapter 1: Rebirth
Chapter 2: Flower Crown
Chapter 3: Vision
Chapter 4: Voice
Chapter 5: Radiate
Chapter 6: Bloom
Chapter 7: Creatrix Flow
Chapter 8: Rooted & Wild
Once the portal opens it’s yours forever, watch anytime.
This is a self-paced experience.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
~Anaïs Nin
Chronicle: a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.
You are the author, the artist, the poet and the creatrix of your story.
Walking in Magic
Walking in Magic is a courageous and visionary act,
a dedication to oneself and the belief in what you can accomplish, not in the realm of traditional success - but in the realm of your essence.
It is an understanding of your active participation in the creative act itself, your understanding of the sacred duty to honor your inner compass. Your understanding of how you are an integral part of the fabric and frequency of the world. It is a conscious act of surrender and devotion to deeper truths.
It is an act of valor in the face of cynicism, a revolution of optimism, joy and freedom amidst the chaos. Chaos itself is an agent of change. You shed the victim paradigm, replaced by creative exploration and a willingness to grow.
You believe in your ability to both sit with and transform the energy around you. It is a movement from passive to engaged, from apologetic to radically radiant.
It is the artform of the Creatrix, a real life quest which elevates and grounds us. Connecting us to an everlasting web of belief and optimism, of pain and possibility. By walking your own path of magic you develop the courage to be seen for who you truly are, and what you were made for.